Monday, December 30, 2019
Asian American And Eating Disorders Essay - 912 Words
Asian American s and Eating Disorders Introduction When one thinks of the ideal physique and what it takes to achieve this, most simply go to diet modification and exercise. However when it comes to adolescents, the need to fit in is immediate and often time fast measures are taken to achieve what they consider as the perfect body. Adolescent culture is ever changing but when combined with home cultural views the stress that it can place on a teenager to conform can lead to development of disordered eating. There are few studies on Asian American’s (AA) and their cultural views on weight, however much is being learned. AA’s have always been pen-pointed as being the group that have maintained cultural values through the generations. AA with disordered eating have shown the need to please parents and achieve not only academically but also in appearance (i.e., presenting oneself in a certain way), and this is linking family pride is linked to their children’s achievement and appearance (Tsong Smart, 2015). Even wit h all we know, pathways to disordered eating are complex and have various outliers, and still are not very well understood (Streiegel-Moore Bulik, 2007) Just about all patterns of disordered eating begin with dieting, unrealistic outcomes, and problematic views of the world around (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2016). Eating Disorders (ED’s) Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa, is a condition that causes those who struggle with weight to go through â€Å"voluntaryShow MoreRelated Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Essay1306 Words  | 6 PagesEating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eatingRead MoreThe Relationship Between Ethnicity And Risk Factor For Eating Disorders1721 Words  | 7 Pagesfor Eating Disorders The relationship between ethnicity and eating disorder risk factors is a complex issue. There are many other variables that affect these two ideas, such as socioeconomic status, level of educational attainment, and acculturation. Flaws in studies such as unrepresentative and insubstantial sample size, and participation bias still have yet to be corrected for in order to obtain a more accurate understanding of the role ethnicity and its factors plays in eating disorders. PreviousRead MoreBinge Eating in Non-Western Cultures1038 Words  | 5 PagesLiterature regarding eating disorders in non-Western cultures in general is scarce. Very few studies address disordered eating in cultures outside of the Western and Westernized world. This could be because of the perceived lack of eating disorders in non-industrialized countries or even because there is an overwhelming amount of concern over eating disorders in Western society. However, there have been several studies done on binge eati ng and dietary restraint in non-western citizens and in non-CaucasianRead MoreA New Kind Of Epidemic1476 Words  | 6 Pagesof norms, generally attributed to Western civilizations, seeking to construct this idealized image of what beauty should be. Popular media, intentionally or not, has managed to successfully disseminate all over the globe. 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In addition to experiencing separate identities, individuals living with DID may also experience many other symptoms (Dissociative i dentity disorder - children, causes, DSM, functioning, effects, therapy, adults, drug, n.d.). Retrieving and dealing with memories of trauma is important for a person living with DID, because this disorder is believed to be triggered by physical or sexual abuse in childhood. Young children have a pronounced ability to dissociate and it is believed that thoseRead MoreMedia Consumption Of Non Western Countries1414 Words  | 6 PagesNon-Western countries will be analyzed because it has a substantial impact on their eating disorder demographics. The beauty standards in Non-Western countries differ from that of Western countries when observing certain cultures. For instance, rather than slenderness being the predominate factor for the ideal body type, some Non-Western cultures perceive more fuller body types as optimal. According to the article, â€Å"Eating disorders: Across the cultural dimensions,†plumpness is the most desirable and attractiveRead MoreA Study On Eating Pat hology Among Latinas Essay1134 Words  | 5 PagesTHEORETICAL PROPOSITIONS There is a lack of studies that investigate the eating pathology among Latinas even though there is evidence that a binge eating component (i.e. binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa) is more prevalent among Latinas compared with other races. For those who are engaged in binge eating tend to have unrealistic high expectations for themselves, which often are difficult to achieve. When the individual, in this case a Latina, has fallen short of these high expectations,Read MoreEating Disorders Among Different Cultures: Annotated Bibliography1769 Words  | 8 Pagesthe relationship between acculturation to the mainstream U.S. Society and eating and body-related concerns among Mexican American women. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 56(3), 430-440. doi:10.1037/a0016382 Discusses how ethic identity, familism, and enculturation serve as protection from issues of acculturation to mainstream U.S. society, specifically eating and body related concerns faced by Mexican American women. Results reveal that adherence to family values may serve as protection
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Persuasive Essay Same Sex Marriage - 1810 Words
The United States of America; the very first thought to come to mind should be a nation of peace and equality. But in the big picture, it’s not. We are living in a nation filled with racism, sexism, hate, and homophobia. There are 39 U.S. states that have banned same-sex marriage, 5 that allow civil unions between same sex couples, and 6 that allow same-sex marriage, along with DC. However, due to DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), the federal government does not recognize same-sex marriage in these states. According to the 2010 Census, there were 646,000 same-sex couple households, and 115,064 of those couples have children. Same-sex marriage (also called gay marriage) is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the†¦show more content†¦According to a report issued by the Census Bureau, 18.2% of married women aged 15 to 44 are childless (Bachu, 4). Are we to tell these people that their marriages are not truly valid because they have no children, whether by choice or physical limitations? Should these marriages be legally nullified? Should we start questioning all who want to marry of their intent to bear children? Most would respond to these questions in the negative, because that would be an unacceptable intrusion by the state into their privacy as individuals. If no one has ever thought to ask heterosexual couples whether or not they plan to have children and carry out this specific purpose of marriage, it should not be a consideration that inhibits the ability of same-sex couples from entering into the institution of marriage. Many proponents of same-sex marriage, especially those within the gay community, argue that they should be allowed access to the institution of marriage in order to have the rights and benefits of a married couple. Without these rights, same-sex couples face many hardships that straight married couples do not have, or benefits they take for granted. For example, a same-sex couple would have diffic ulties with visitation rights if one of them were to become hospitalized. Or, if one person owned the house the couple lived in and that person died, the other would have no right to the house and would most likely haveShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage1368 Words  | 6 Pages Marriage is the legal and formal recognition of the union of a man and a woman. This simple definition has been modified several times.In the past, marriage was allowed only through the union of the same race, such as a white male and white female, black male and black female, however, now, it is a battle of allowing the marriage of the same-sex. The fight is not only to help protect rights for same-sex couples, but, also, to interracial couples, who have been experiencing racism and discriminationRead MorePersuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage1232 Words  | 5 PagesOpposite Sex Marriage The concept of marriage has been around for thousands of years. Marriage is the conjoining of two people who love each other. People get married because they love the other person and can see themselves living together for the rest of their lives. Marriage has always been between man and woman. However, now days people in the same sex want to get married. People do not know what to think about gay marriage, which is why it is a controversial subject in todays cultureRead MorePersuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage776 Words  | 4 Pages The issue of same sex marriage is an arguement that everyone has heard before. Some states, like California, argue incessantly about it; they pass and repeal the same few bills and laws dozens of times before anything gets done. In other countries, Canada for example, it is legal universally. Not allowing same sex marriage is a violation of constitutional law (Gannon). The constitution says that we all have equal rights, yet part of the population isn’t allowed to marry the people they loveRead MorePersuasive Speech: Why You Should Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Essay examples1267 Words  | 6 PagesPersuasive Speech: Same sex marriages General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade the audience to agree that same-sex marriages should not be legal Central Idea: The audience will realize the vices and social disorders created by legalization of same sex marriages in order to preserve marital norms INTRODUCTION I. Same sex marriage is a trending topic if not a trendy one. Countries throughout the globe are pressured with the question of homosexuality beingRead MoreMarriage Equality2061 Words  | 9 PagesSame sex marriage is one of the most controversial trends that appear in the world today. In today’s society most of us are taught that a marriage should be a union between a man and a woman, as well as, same sex relationships being a sin because it is looked down upon by God. Despite the criticism of gay marriage many states such as Massachusetts, California, New York, and Oregon have made same sex marriage legal. In the fight for gay marriage political essay such as â€Å"Gay â€Å"Marriage†: Societal Suicide†Read More Let Gays Marry and Leave Marriage Alone Essay1278 Words  | 6 PagesI will summarize some of the key points from the essay, Let Gays Marry, by Andrew Sullivan, and the essay, Leave Marriage Alone, by William Bennett. Some of these main points are taken from mutual beliefs of both authors and others are derived from the opposing opinions of the two. The first summary of Andrew Sullivan’s essay is a reflection of Andrew Sullivan’s stance of the issue. The original essay was in favor of allowing same sex marriage in America. My summary will dictate some of theRead More Equal Rights for All Essays918 Words  | 4 PagesEqual Rights for All Gay marriage has always been a subject of great controversy. Andrew Sullivan addresses this issue in his persuasive essay entitled â€Å"Let Gays Marry.†Sullivan’s essay appeared in Newsweek in June of 1996. Through his problem/solution structure of this essay, Sullivan uses rhetorical appeals to try and persuade the audience to accept gay marriage as a natural part of life. Sullivan, an editor of The New Republic, also wrote Virtually Normal: An ArgumentRead MoreI have been a student in English Composition II for one semester in which I have learned many700 Words  | 3 Pageswhat my claim is. After the culmination of five essays, three of them have caught my attention the most and in my opinion they show my improvement as a writer. The three essays, which will be forming my portfolio for this semester, dealt with articles from Times magazine and coverage from ABC and FOX news. The topics of my three essays are different , but they all show the relation between the type of claim and how the claim is made. The first essay dealt with the disappearance of the MalaysianRead MoreSame-sex Marriage and Jordan1107 Words  | 5 Pagesequal protection clause that states â€Å"No state shall †¦deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (CITE). Our country was founded on the principle that all people should be treated equally. Everyone should be guaranteed the same freedoms and rights no matter what gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. One group that has historically and continuously been discriminated against is homosexuals. Author Jeff J ordan in his article â€Å"Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of HomosexualityRead MoreWhen an author writes a piece of work, they go through several drafts before they feel that their1300 Words  | 6 Pageswriter is grammar. I tend to misuse commas a lot, which on my essays were labeled â€Å"comma splices.†In the first few essays that I wrote, I had a few of these comma splices. For example in my summary essay I wrote, â€Å"Julie spent two years in Indonesia studying and performing, she had become one of the family in the village where she stayed.†That comma should not have been put there. I had the same comma splice problem in my critique essay. I wrote, â€Å"She partook in an experimental problem that only
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Cola Wars Continue Coke and Pepsi in 2010 Free Essays
Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 A case discussion note January 17, 2012 1. Historically, why has the soft drink industry been so profitable? Historically, the soft carbonated soft drink (CSD) industry has been valued at $74 billion in the United States. In order to understand the reasons why the industry has been hugely profitable despite the ‘Cola Wars’, an examination of the CSD industry with Porter’s five forces analysis will be conducted. We will write a custom essay sample on Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010 or any similar topic only for you Order Now As market leaders, the analysis will be centred on both Coke and Pepsi (hereafter â€Å"CP†). Threat of new competition: Barriers to entry in the CSD industry are extremely high and there are various factors to support this. Firstly, both CP spend gargantuan amounts of funding of advertisement. According to Exhibit 8, in 2009 alone, both CP spent $234 million and $145 million respectively in advertising expenditure. Therefore, while the actual initial capital investment needed to start up a CSD company is relatively economic, the amount required by new entrants to continually push their brand and gain visibility is extremely high. Due to these extreme levels of expenditure on marketing and brand awareness, the two cola companies have accrued exceedingly high levels of brand equity and consumer loyalty worldwide. As such, even with sufficient funds for start-up and subsequent advertising, new entrants are unlikely to sway persisting consumer tastes. Because of the sheer scale of both CSD companies, both CP have pre-existing contracts with their bottlers, thus limiting their bottlers’ ability to produce similar products with rival brands. Additionally, through the use of extensive consolidation through the use of acquisitions and re-franchising of their bottlers, both CP have made it essentially impossible for new entrants to find bottlers for the distribution of their drinks. In the event that the new entrants decide to build their own bottling plants (which is quoted to potentially cost hundreds of millions in the case), they would only find themselves facing insurmountable fixed start-up costs in addition to the ridiculous amount they have to spend on marketing. Even if new entrants somehow found a way to produce and market their drinks, the incumbents’ (CP) far-reaching networks would make it impossible for them to secure any form of distribution channels. Shelf spaces in supermarkets were dominated by CP because supermarkets were given a cut of the profit generated from the sales of their products. These cuts accumulate to a significant amount of profit-generation for the retailers. Additionally, combined, CP owned 89% of national pouring rights. The fact that the incumbents had exclusivity in both supermarkets, fountain outlets, and other forms of retail channels would make it almost impossible for new entrants to distribute their products. Bargaining power of consumers: Historically, the two main customers of soft drink producers were supermarkets (29. 1% of distribution) and fountain outlets (23. 1%). In general, retail outlets have been unsuccessful in asserting much bargaining power over the industry. In part due to the level of fragmentation as well as their reliance on CP as drivers of customer traffic. Longstanding contracts and acquisition of fountain outlets also serve to weaken consumer’s bargaining power. Bargaining power of suppliers: Major suppliers for CP provided commodities in the form of cans, sugar, bottles, etc. These products were highly homogenous and could be substituted easily. The aluminium can industry, in particular, depended on firms like CP because they were majority buyers. Due to such dependence, suppliers asserted little or no bargaining power over the industry. Intensity of competitive rivalry: Even though CP are essentially a duopoly in the CSD industry, competition between the two have traditionally centred on marketing efforts like advertising, new products, and promotions rather than pricing. Their rivalry, historically, was also in a market with consistent growth. As such, profits were not adversely affected even though their rivalry was highly documented and publicised. Threat of substitutes: There are a number of alternative substitutes for soft drinks and these include beer, bottled water, tap water, juices, tea, coffee, wine, powdered drinks, milk, and distilled spirits. Yet, according to Exhibit 1, Americans, historically, consistently drank more CSDs than any other beverage. As such, the threat of substitutes affecting CP’s profitability was limited. To further nullify the effects of substitutes, they also produced and promoted their own range of substitutes to reduce potential losses. 2. Compare the conomics of the concentrate business with that of the bottling business. Why is the profitability so different? Using data from Exhibit 4, we are able to see that the operating income of a concentrate producer is 32% of its net sales while that of a bottler is only 8%. The reason the bottling business earns significantly lesser than its concentrate counterpart can be attributed to two main factors – significantly higher cost of goods sold (COGS) and the existence of selling and delivery expense. We see that the COGS of a bottler are at 58%, much higher than the concentrate producer’s 22%. The reason for this difference is predominantly due to Master Bottler Contracts established to allow for a certain level of â€Å"price fixing†on the concentrate producers’ part. Additionally, as mentioned previously, raw materials for concentrate producers are abundant and homogenous; hence COGS for them will be significantly lower. Also, the bottler is in charge of selling and delivery, and hence incurs an 18% selling and delivery expense while there is no such expense on the concentrate producer’s part. These reasons explain why the concentrate business has a more profitable business model than the bottling business. . How has the growing popularity of non-carbonated soft drinks influenced the industry? Non-carbonated soft drinks have been gaining popularity in the past decade, increasing from 13% in 2000 to 17% in 2009. This growing popularity has resulted in the generation of both local and global strategies by CSD firms unwilling to lose out on the budding market. In order to capitalize on the opportunity, both CP greatly expanded their lines of beverages to include sports drinks like Gatorade and tea-based drinks like Lipton. Majority of drinks introduced during this time were non-CSDs. Besides creating new products, Coke also aggressively gained market share through acquisitions and extending their fountain services to include coffee and tea. The non-CSD opportunities globally were also aggressively pursued by companies like CP. To gain localized expertise, however, the soft drink companies did not merely think to introduce new products into foreign markets. Instead, they resorted to acquiring the respective market leading, non-CSD companies in the countries they chose to invest in. The companies of choice were usually major fruit juice producers. Beyond takeovers, CP also tried their hands at innovation and localization of beverages. These mainly came in the form of integration of local drinks (e. g. blended green tea with Sprite) or utilization of local ingredients in the production of new drinks (e. g. beverages with Chinese herbs). The emergence and rapidly growing popularity of the non-CSD has garnered much retaliation from major players in the CSD industry. In order to get their share of the pie, they have formulated expansion strategies both locally and globally which seem to center around acquisition. How to cite Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2010, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Graphs Representing Security Relationship -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Questions: What Do You Mean By Cyber Security? What Are The Major Effects Of Cyber Crimes? What Are The Challenges Faced During Security Breaches? What Security Measures Are To Be Undertaken For Securing Systems? Answers: Introduction In the modern world, there is always a problem regarding viruses and malwares which is the leading cause for all types of computational problems. For a long period of time, these types of problems were not noticed and unethical users continued their works. Until the recent discovery of the internet and the virtual world, various awareness methods have been undertaken to help secure the processes. Along with storing data from the internet, devices now-a-days could perform specific options with ease. This resulted in an increasing population of hackers who wanted to access this information along with get resources from these devices. This is the very definition of cyber crime. Research aims and objectives The main aim for this research is to explore the impacts of cyber security on the lives of common people. In addition, the aim of this research paper also includes the identification of the processes by which cyber crimes exist and the necessary steps that can be undertaken for mitigating them. The main objectives of the research paper are: To determine the impact of cyber security To determine the types of attacks which make up for cyber crime To influence awareness for addressing cyber security Research scope Awareness against cyber crimes are increasing in a rapid rate across the world. However, there are various devices being made generally which have security flaws and is the leading contributor for cyber crimes. This is the main scope of this research paper which utilizes the information available and then mitigates the problem associated with cyber security. It can be said that the scope of cyber security is a large portion and the mitigation strategies are a few which is mainly dependent on the hardware and the software of the systems. The attacks are usually targeted towards the underlying structures that provide facilities for communications, electricity and transport so that it can be possible to bring down the entire network and bring the place to a halt. Literature review Fraudulent tools and techniques are becoming easily accessible in the internet which is leading to an increase in the cyber crimes. Ransom wares are one such program which affects the integrity and the security of a system. These types of malicious software encrypt any files in a system. When the user of the system tries to open the file, a message is shown asking for payments. This is the most common type of attack considered in case of any ransom wares. These payments are doubled for each 6hours delay in payment (Gordon et al., 2015). As a result, the files and the system become un-recoverable. These programs mainly destroy the faith of a user for recovering the files so that a payment will be made. In addition the payment address is always in bitcoin such that it cannot be tracked. Cyber threats also arise due to multi-vectored attacks. This type of attack provides the attacker access to the various levels of an organization in order to provide information access. The scam of Leoni AG was a big example of multi-vector attacks which led to a loss of 40 million (Liu et al., 2015). Similarly, identity theft is another type of cyber crimes which involves cyber crime. This type of attack is usually followed by stealing identities from users. This not only helps them to get access to their financial accounts but also lets the attacker get access to various channels and does unethical treatments in place of the victim. According to a research that was conducted by Javelin Strategy and Research, it was seen that during the year 2014, 12.7 million customers lost around $16 billion due to the theft of identity. Cyber crime is constantly being committed by using internet and the computers by addressing the advancements in technology. These crimes are mainly due to denial of service attacks (Buczak Guven, 2016). In addition, botnets are also other types of malicious tools which help in hacking procedures. These tools and other malicious programs are mainly sourced from the underground black market which is the root cause for such actions. Threats and vulnerabilities The major threats in using these types of activities can range from large-scale impacts to small-case ones. Hackers get unethical access to systems which in turn lead to information theft. These hackers also try to act as spies where they sell all these information available in return for money or other resources (Cunningham Zissman, 2016). In addition, governments try to get information from these hackers regarding other countries. This results in an endless cycle of hacking related activities. Moreover, the attackers also do these activities for helping increase the level of warfare among nations. The attack that occurs mainly utilizes the vulnerabilities present in the operating system of the devices. As a result, the security breaches are mainly due to this reason. The main use of information systems result in the formation of a constant need for protecting the systems from attackers (Noel et al., 2015). In addition, inside jobs like employees having access to the systems can disclose the information related which will lead to potential threats. Impacts Attacks due to unethical access are mainly used to compromise the confidentiality and integrity of the system. These attacks are used to steal the personal information from various aspects including financial and physical resources resulting in gaining of various parameters which the victim is usually unaware of (Gil, Kott Barabsi, 2014). In a similar manner, the denial-of-service attacks are also will also be used by attackers to prevent access to the systems unless their demands are met. The impacts of cyber attacks can range from small-range attacks to large-scale attacks. The small-scale attacks can include disruptions in the general activities like hacking of phone or social media accounts (Holm et al., 2015). In a similar manner, large-scale attacks may range from disrupting the services in a large organization or causing massive data breach from a government agency. Figure 1: Cyber security awareness (Source: Ben-Asher Gonzalez, 2015, pp 55) Research design and methodology This section of the research paper includes an analysis of the research design methodologies that will be used in this paper. The method of collecting data in a sequential manner is known as research methodologies (Mackey Gass, 2015). The research methods are used to integrate various hypothetical issues and trial techniques which help in the selection of the accurate records to be used in the research. For conducting this research, the researcher has utilized various researching methods. In this research paper, the researcher has undertaken the positivism ideologies such that the research can be successfully carried out. In addition, the research approach is selected to be deductive in nature. Research philosophy The concept of gathering data and analyzing it is termed as research philosophy. The research philosophy consists of two different types of beliefs, the concepts of doxology and the concepts of epistemology (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). Out of the three different types of research philosophy, interpretivism, realism and positivism, the researcher has applied the positivism philosophy for this research paper. This is mainly because in the positivism aspects, the research is conducted by using present information in the internet. As a result, a successful research is carried out by considering all the analyzed data. Figure 2: Research philosophy (Source: Silverman, 2016, pp 39) Research approach The research approach is defined by a set of methods which is utilized in case of detailed analysis of the information available from various sources. In addition, the detailed methods of analysis and collection are utilized in this section. As mentioned by Smith, (2015), the adopted research approach is the utilized for considering the nature of the problem. This approach is divided into two different categories. These are the data collection and the data analysis methods. The research approach is divided into two different types. These are the deductive and the inductive approach. However, in case of this research paper, the deductive approach is considered for analysis. Figure 3: Research approach (Source: Knobe Nichols, 2013, pp 42) Data collection methods The process of data collection involves collecting the information which will help in data analysis for the research paper. There are mainly two types of data collection processes. These are the primary and the secondary methods of collecting data (Mackey Gass, 2015). The primary method of data collection is utilized by conducting researches, surveys or other respondent related programs. Similarly, the secondary source of data collection is utilized in collecting information from journals, e-books or other web related sources. For the analysis conducted in this research paper, the secondary sources will be considered. Data collection methods For collecting the information from various sources, the researcher included various online informative sources. These are online journals which can be accessible from the internet. In addition, websites are also other sources of information which clearly depicts the need for addressing cyber security. Sampling and sample size In this paper, the researched have selected the simple random probability sampling processes. This process is defined by setting up equal probability such that all the files are chosen in a random manner. This helps in assigning the process of randomness to the sample sizes (Clemence et al,. 2014). The sample size includes the number of online sources that will be used for the analysis made in this research. Data analysis techniques This paper has included the qualitative data analysis methods. This type of research method is more focused on the quality of the information rather than the quantity of it. The interviews and observatory cases are considered to be a part of the qualitative data analysis. This information is considered to be descriptive and is usually comprised of images and objects. According to Clemence et al,. (2014), the qualitative data analysis is usually comprised of interpretive philosophies of the researchers. The qualitative data analysis helps in examining the complex questions that helps in answering the research based analytical perceptions. Variable specification For the conduction of research related to cyber security, there can be two different types of variables to be considered. One is the dependent variable and the other is the independent variable. The independent variable does not depend on any parameter while the dependent variable depends on the independent variable. In case of the impacts of cyber security, impacts are the dependent variable which depends on the issues in cyber security. Research limitations There are various research limitations which imposed problems while analysis. As the collection of the data is involved from other sources, there will be no ethical demands of these sources claiming for objections. This is the first limitation which is followed in case of the research. Another research limitation is the conduction of the data analysis process. The collection of information needed much time as data regarding cyber security is not easily to be found. Moreover, the various effects of the selective hacking programs can only be theoretically determined as the practical use cannot be done. Research plan Figure 4: Research plan (Source: Created by the author) Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded from the analysis conducted in this research paper is that cyber security is an important aspect. It is an important aspect which helps to utilize the various threats and vulnerabilities so that they can be fixed. This paper lists all the various types of risks associated to cyber security. In addition, the various types of attacks that can be possible are also covered in this paper. Moreover, this paper lists the research methodologies that are to be used for making a successful data analysis of the topic mentioned. Lastly, this paper also includes a discussion of the secondary data collection methods and the qualitative method of analysis. References Ben-Asher, N., Gonzalez, C. (2015). Effects of cyber security knowledge on attack detection.Computers in Human Behavior,48, 51-61. Buczak, A. L., Guven, E. (2016). A survey of data mining and machine learning methods for cyber security intrusion detection.IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials,18(2), 1153-1176. Carr, M. (2016). Publicprivate partnerships in national cyber?security strategies.International Affairs,92(1), 43-62. 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